MyAlphaBillionaire New Adult Erotic RomanceARe Read online

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  How perfectly he filled me. Stretched me.

  How perfectly he touched me, kissed me. Lying beneath him, I rocked my hips, meeting his thrusts, taking him deep. I loved the feel of his weight on top of me, loved the way his unique scent filled my nose, loved the way he growled like a big bear as he possessed my body.

  Oh yes. This was what I’d been waiting for. Shane was still the same powerful, domineering man that made me breathless, but he’d also shown a little vulnerability. And it was that vulnerability that made me feel so safe with him now. Safe and cherished.

  His hands tormented my breasts while he pounding into me. He sat back on his knees, changing the angle and pushed my bent legs back so I was open wide to him. In that position, every stroke, both in and out, touched that place inside of me that sent electric jolts through my body. I was getting hot, hotter. Burning up. So tight. So breathless.

  “Touch yourself, minx,” he demanded. “Show me how you come.”

  I’d never touched myself in front of anyone before. The thought was scandalous. It made me flush. It made my insides clench around his invading shaft.

  Ohhhh, did that feel good.

  A wave of carnal heat pulsed through me.

  I was getting closer to orgasm. But I didn’t want this to end. Not yet. If I touched myself…no. I couldn’t.

  I tossed my head from side to side.

  “Do it. For me.”

  The way he spoke those words…it was almost a plea. I couldn’t refuse, even though I knew I was about to climax. I slid my hand down my stomach, over my mound. A fingertip slipped between my slick folds, finding the hard little nub hiding beneath them.

  With the first stroke, I felt the contractions building. A couple more, and my inside muscles were convulsing around him as he roughly claimed me.

  “Mine,” he said, over and over, and he thrust deep inside. “Mine. Only mine.”

  “Yes, Shane. Only yours.” I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist. He gave me one last inward thrust then jerked out, spilling his seed on my stomach.

  Then, while I struggled to catch my breath, he cleaned me with a warm washcloth before lying down and gathering me into his arms.

  Lost in bliss, I felt myself smiling as I drifted off to sleep.

  * * * * *

  The next morning, I woke to the sensation of Shane’s hands gently gliding over my body, his heat radiating over my back, his erection burning the skin of my buttocks. What a wickedly delicious way to start the day.

  He nuzzled my neck, giving me little nips that tickled. Goose bumps prickled my shoulders and back. “I have to go, but I’ll pick you up next week. Friday. You’ll get my letter on Wednesday.”

  Smiling, “Okay.”

  “Do you remember the question I asked you when we were in Antigua?” he murmured as he flicked his tongue into my ear.

  “Which one? The one about what I want?” Already, I knew my answer. It had nothing to do with money. It had nothing to do with a job. Or a house. Or a car. It had to do with a certain man, of wanting him to become the man I believed he could be.

  “When we meet, I would like you to tell me the answer to that question.”

  Pretending I didn’t have a clue, I sighed, “I guess I can try.”

  He flipped me onto my back and climbing over top of me glowered. “You’ll try?”

  I giggled. “Yes, sir. I will have that answer for you.”

  “Better.” He brushed his lips against mine. A kiss that was too short and too sweet. Taking his advice to heart, I grabbed the hair at his nape and pulled. And I gave him a proper kiss, running my tongue along the seam of his mouth. He didn’t open to me, instead, he pushed my tongue back. While his mouth possessed mine, he cupped my ass, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, clinging to him, relishing the feel of his heat, the taste of him as it spread through my mouth, the sound of the low rumble vibrating in his chest.

  He kneaded the globes of my bottom roughly, pulled the flesh apart and traced the seam of my slit with a fingertip. I gasped into our joined mouths.

  “I have your answer, Shane. I want you,” I said between kisses. I sounded more desperate than demanding. The raspy tone of my voice said need more than want.

  “I see. I know what I said about taking what you want. But let’s make one thing clear, minx,” he growled, eyes sharp, “You can’t take me. Not now. Not ever. No. I will always take you.” And to illustrate, he gripped my waist and impaled me with his thick rod.

  I cried out from the pleasure and shock. Him wanting me, me wanting him. His taking me. Me taking him. Who cared? All I knew was that he was filling me, stretching me, shoving in and out roughly, stroking that spot inside that made blazes erupt through my whole body.

  The rest, we could figure out later.

  We’d had our troubles, but in just a short time we’d already learned there was something really powerful between us. Something special. There was no way to know yet if it would make us better people…or destroy us.

  Only time would tell.

  The End

  What He Craves

  (My Alpha Billionaire, Book 3)

  Chapter 1

  “Miss Deatrich, I need you to come with me.”

  Now, that was strange.

  Mr. McMillian rarely ever poked his head out of his office. In fact, rumor had it most days he locked himself in there and took eight-hour naps. In three years, I’d seen him a total of once. On my first day. Thus, to have him waiting for me at my desk was very weird. It was even stranger to have him asking me to follow him to his office. He’d never, ever done that before.

  He shut the door, motioning for me to sit in the chair facing his desk.

  Puzzled, I sat.

  “First, I want to say that you’ve done a fine job for Tamby Systems. Absolutely fine. So what I have to tell you is no reflection on your performance.”

  It sounded like he was about to…was he…?

  He cleared his throat. “I’m afraid we’re going to have to let you go.”

  Fired. I had just been fired.


  “I’d be happy to give you a recommendation,” he continued, as if he hadn’t just shattered my world and turned my life upside down.

  Fired. Couldn’t be. No.

  He added, “And of course, you’ll qualify to collect unemployment until you’re able to find another position.”

  Unemployment paid five hundred dollars a week. Five hundred dollars a week wasn’t enough to pay my bills.

  He said, “And you can continue your medical coverage. You’ll have to pay the premiums, of course.”

  Of course. I’d pay the premiums with all the money I wouldn’t have. Because I’d been fired.



  My mind spun. Not so long ago Shane had told me to dream, to imagine the life I wanted and then to go after it. He’d said if I did that, my dreams would come true.

  How wrong he’d been.

  How would I find another job? The market sucked. It had taken me a long time to find this position.

  “Miss Deatrich.” My now ex-boss stood, extended a hand and smiled. What the hell was he smiling about? “It was a pleasure having you with the company. I wish you the best.”

  “When?” I muttered.

  His stupid grin dimmed slightly. “Now. You’ll have to leave immediately.”

  Stunned into silence, I shook his hand and followed him out to my cubicle. He stood to one side and watched me gather the few personal items I’d kept at my desk. The picture of my mother and me when I was five. The snacks I’d stowed in a drawer. My purse. Then, saying absolutely nothing, he escorted me to the human resources office where I filled out a mountain of paperwork--exit interviews. Medical insurance forms.

  Within an hour of arriving at work, I was standing next to my car bawling my eyes out.

  I was officially unemployed.

  Although I was tempted, I didn’t call anyone as I drove home. I
knew if I did I’d fall apart and might end up in a car accident. No, I waited until I was safe in my living room before I dialed my best friend Jill’s number. I left her a short message when she didn’t answer. Then, I skimmed my list of contacts.

  It was very short.

  There was Jill.

  There was my brother. He’d be no help. I hadn’t spoken to him in ages. A longtime alcohol and drug addict, his life was a train wreck and mine became one whenever he was around.

  And there was Shane Trant.

  I hadn’t called Shane before. He’d always been the one to call me. Despite the fact that we’d recently been…spending time together.

  Perhaps, looking from the outside, the arrangement we had between us seemed a little one-sided.

  He was the one who called me.

  He was the one who made all the plans.

  He was the one who, more or less, controlled every aspect of our relationship. But, with a few exceptions, I’d been okay with it that way.

  Until today.

  Until now.

  I needed a shoulder to lean on. Jill was at work. I was panicking.

  I hit the button, calling him. But before the first ring, I cut off the connection.

  No. If I called him he’d probably feel some obligation to fix my problem for me. I didn’t want that.

  Sure, I was scared. I was petrified I wouldn’t find another job. But already I knew that he’d probably offer me a job working for him. I couldn’t work for him. Not now. Not ever.

  What if this thing between us ended badly?

  Needing to burn off some nervous energy, I dragged out my old laptop and powered it up. The first thing I did was register for unemployment. I was going to collect peanuts, but what the hell? Peanuts were still better than nothing. Next, I scoured the internet, looking for help-wanted ads in the area. I found a few promising websites but absolutely no positions I was qualified for. So I opened a new document in my word processor and started drafting a new resume to take to the employment agency I’d used to get the job with Tamby.

  Three hours later I had a pretty decent looking resume. I emailed it to my contact at the agency and refreshed my inbox a dozen times (or more) before becoming disgusted and frustrated and depressed. Just as I was about to fall into another bout of self-pity, my phone rang.


  I jumped to my feet and stared down at the glowing screen. I took a moment to compose myself before answering, “Hello?”

  “You called?”

  “Oh…yes. I did…I just wanted to say hi,” I lied, running my hand down my neck to work out the knots.

  “Mmmm. Hi.”


  “What are you doing?” he asked, voice low and sexy.

  I glanced at the clock. It was ten minutes to five o’clock. If I hadn’t been fired today, I would have been at work. I would be counting the minutes until I could leave. How I wished I was there now. “I’m…erm…at work. I’m getting ready to head home. Why?”

  “Just asking.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  After a few seconds of silence, he asked, “Are you sure there isn’t something going on? You don’t sound like yourself.”

  “No, I’m fine. I’m just…tired. Someone kept me up late last night, past my bedtime.”

  His chuckle did some pleasant things to my insides. I imagined him sitting in his limo, eyes sparkling, corners of his lips curled into that devilish smile that made certain parts of my anatomy tingle. “I should apologize, but I’m not sorry.”

  “You never are.”

  That little jab earned me another chuckle. “I want to see you again,” he said.

  “You will.”


  “Yes, Friday.” I hoped by then I’d either have some good leads on a new position or at least would be out of this funk.

  “I have to go now,” he said.


  “Goodbye, Bristol.”

  “Bye, Shane.”

  I clicked off just in time for my phone to ring again. This time it was Jill. And I didn’t hold back with her. I blurted out my news, unable to stop myself. And, while she raged about what rotten jerks the bastards at Tamby were for firing me with no advance notice, I cried my eyes out until my head felt like it would explode.

  Chapter 2

  On Friday night, Shane knocked on the door at exactly seven o’clock. Not one minute late; not one minute early. Shane was a punctual man. He lived by the clock.

  Knowing I’d be punished if I held him up, I opened the door, purse in hand, ready to go.

  His dark eyes widened as I stepped outside. “Bristol,” he said, voice breathy.

  I couldn’t help grinning. To have that much of an effect over a man that was this amazing made me feel really good. After spending all week feeling like a failure, this was exactly what I needed. “I clean up okay, don’t I?”

  “Better than okay. You look beautiful.”

  “You look amazing yourself.” That was no lie. He was sporting a black tuxedo, cut to fit him perfectly. His dark hair was a riot of barely-tamed waves, and a five o’clock shadow darkened his jaw, making him look both sexy and a little dangerous at the same time.

  He placed a hand on the small of my back as we walked together to the waiting limo. He stood to the side, allowing me to enter first then took a seat beside me. Within seconds we were on our way to wherever.

  “Thank you,” I said as I smoothed my hand down my thighs. “For sending this dress. I don’t know if anyone could look bad in this. It’s gorgeous.”

  “It barely does you justice.” He caught my chin in his hand and held me in place, giving me a kiss that made my toes curl. His tongue swept into my mouth, stroking mine. In response, my body turned to molten butter, soft and soupy. I sagged against him and enjoyed the sweet torment, hoping we had time to burn off a little tension. Much too soon, however, he broke the kiss. “Not now, minx. It’ll have to wait.”

  Wait? Ugh. “Where are we going?” I asked as I leaned closer. He smelled so good and looked even better. I wasn’t touching him enough. I needed more. So much more.

  “A little dinner. It’s for a charity. I’m giving a presentation.”

  “A presentation?” I echoed as my hand slid onto his thigh.

  “No worries. It’ll be short. Afterward, we’ll have to make the rounds, shake a few hands. I hate this stuff, but it’s for a good cause. The organization funds educational programs for at-risk youth in the city.”

  “Sounds like a great cause. I can handle shaking hands and making small talk.” I let my hand slide a little closer to the bulge hiding under the zipper of his pants.

  “Good.” He set his hand on stop of mine, halting its progress. His lips curled slightly into a semi smile then straightened again. “I need to warn you about something. Do you remember Jordan?”

  “How could I forget?” I asked as I folded my arms across my chest. I could feel my face burning. I hated that I was blushing. “He was the one…he’s your ‘old friend’ who decided you were going to share me when we went to Antigua.”

  “Yes. Jordan will be there tonight. He’s a principle in the organization.”

  I felt a slight chill work up my spine. “Oh.”

  “Listen,” he cupped my sizzling cheek. “You have nothing to worry about. Jordan and I have discussed everything. He won’t try anything.”

  “He better not.”

  His thumb dragged across my lower lip. “I can’t be at your side the whole night. You’ll tell me if he says or does anything out of line.”

  A big lump of something hard coagulated in my throat. “Are you expecting him to say something?”

  “No. Not at all.”

  That lump didn’t go away. “Okay. If he does, you’ll be the first to know.”

  “Good.” He kissed me again. This kiss was sweet and tender. My heart was doing somersaults by the time it was over. He cupped my cheek and thumbed my lower lip again, which was still ti
ngling. “I’m glad you’re coming with me tonight.”

  “Me too.”

  The car rolled to a stop.

  We were there already?

  I glanced out the window. We were parked outside of a large hotel. There were limos in front of us and behind us. We were most definitely in the right place.

  But…the ride had been too short. I wasn’t mentally prepared to face Jordan or the billionaires and zillionaires attending tonight’s little event. I saw, as the driver opened our door, Shane had on his serious businessman game face. He had me step out first then followed me.

  As we approached the building’s entry, my gaze jumped from one stranger to another. Women sparkling with jewels and gorgeous evening gowns strolled majestically toward the entry. Men knotted up in tuxedos accompanied them.

  “This way,” Shane whispered, steering me toward the entry.

  Before we reached it, someone called out, “Shane Trant?” It was a female’s voice.

  Shane stopped. I turned to watch him greet the woman. She was breathtakingly gorgeous. Well dressed. Well groomed. A string of diamonds glittered at her neck. And a huge stone of some kind caught the light as she lifted her hand to give him a hug. A camera flash blinded me for a moment, a photographer capturing Shane and the woman embracing.

  “It’s been such a long time,” the woman said, beaming at him as she smoothed her hand down his arm. “I was beginning to think you’d forgotten me.” She fiddled with Shane’s tie. The intimate gesture made my insides clench.

  He gently moved her hands away, lips curling into a ghost of a smile. I knew that expression. I knew it well. My clenched insides twisted. “I could never forget you.”

  The woman was pleased by his words. Me, I wanted to get back in the car and go home. I could never forget you. I wondered exactly how much he remembered about her. And how many others he remembered too.

  Here I was, all dressed up, pretending this wasn’t the most awkward moment of my life, while that beautiful, rich woman reminded Shane of days gone by. Or maybe it was nights gone by.