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Wet and Wilde Page 8
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Page 8
“Are you sure that’s all it is? You look…terrible.”
“I’m okay, but I’ll need to get some medicine. I have to leave.” He released her legs from the spreader, then stood and went to the room’s second closet for his robe. No sense scaring her more. The transformation would happen quickly. She didn’t need to see any more.
“Can I drive you somewhere?”
“Nope. I can manage. It isn’t life threatening, just a little strange looking.”
“I know it’s rude, but you should probably leave. I’m so sorry, love. I hate to fuck and then shove you out the door.” He took her into his arms and her body clung to his. He loved the feel of her curves, soft and supple. He loved the woman who possessed them, too. “I meant everything I said earlier. Someday I’ll explain it all to you. Will you trust me?”
The problem was, what would she—a human who lived in fear of water—do if she learned he was a selkie, a being tied to the sea for eternity? How could he tell her? How could they live together? He had to return home. His people needed him. He had obligations. This visit to the land dwellers was for only one purpose: to mate.
She couldn’t possibly come with him…or could she?
Shit! He needed time to think. But first, he had to return to the sea, return his body chemistry to normal. Living among the land dwellers had its dangers, among them pollution.
He felt himself growing weaker. “I have to leave. I’m very sorry, love. You do believe me, don’t you?”
“I can see something’s wrong with you.” She wrapped a sheet around her body and glanced toward the hallway. “Okay. Where are my clothes?”
He punched the call button, summoning his butler. The man appeared within a heartbeat, Jane’s clothing folded and stacked neatly in a bundle. Without a word, he handed them to Josh and left. Damn good service.
“Again, I’m sorry to do this. I’ll call you in a day or two. Promise.”
She wiggled into her snug jeans—no panties, nice!—and skimpy top, then sat on the bed to slip on her shoes. “It’s okay. You can’t help it.” Her gaze traveled over his face. “You really look bad. You’re getting darker. Are you sure you’ll be okay? Maybe I should call nine-one-one.”
“I’ll be fine. Please, don’t worry.” He ushered her to the door, gave her a reassuring kiss, and watched her drive away. Then, not bothering to dress, he jumped into his car and headed for the shore. No sooner did he touch the water than his legs fused, his feet thinning to become fins. He took several deep breaths, filling his blood with oxygen, and dove under the surface.
Of all the days to be forced to return to the sea, why did it have to be midnight Fridays?
He descended into the cold waters, his body rejuvenated by the swim. It would take him a full twenty-four hours to combat the damage it had endured in the past week. His heart ached knowing he would spend it without Jane.
As he reached a nearby ridge, formed from ancient underwater earthquakes, he neared a gathering of friends, fellow selkies who had similarly been summoned to the surface for mating. Among them was his closest friend, Max.
I smell mating, Max said telepathically, immediately sending the rest of the group scattering to the four corners of the earth.
You could smell mating if it occurred a hundred miles away.
Who couldn’t? It’s a damn pleasant scent. So, I assume you’ve bedded that little beauty I saw you with last night? Details, man. Give me details.
You’re not getting a word.
Killjoy. Why are you so secretive? You’ve always shared.
This is different.
It is? How? Fucking is fucking.
That’s what you think.
Max gave him a playful jab in the shoulder. I have to admit, I’m a little jealous.
You mean you haven’t had any luck? You? The fucking machine of the Atlantic? I can’t believe it!
I still have a moon’s full cycle yet. I’ll find my mate. Don’t you waste a second worrying when you could be fucking. So, how do you find it with the land dwellers?
You’re smiling. Max scowled and circled him, swimming slowly, like a shark. In fact, if I didn’t know better I’d think you like it a lot more than you should.
You wait. You’ll be wearing a shit-faced grin after you find your mate.
Nope. Not me. I prefer our own for recreation.
There are benefits to fucking outside of water.
It’s not the venue, it’s the partner. I can’t see a land dweller being more fun than a female selkie. Humans are so stiff and reserved.
You’re talking shit. You don’t know.
I’ve seen. Even the ones who are obviously looking to mate run squealing when I proposition them.
Well, what do you say to them?
‘Let’s fuck?’
Josh laughed, knowing his friend probably said just that, he was so tactless. You have to woo them.
Bullshit! Max tossed a dismissive hand. I don’t want to go through all that just to fuck. Why can’t they be more up front about it? Why must we play such asinine games?
You’re an ass. Josh shook his head. The games are half the fun.
Max knocked on Josh’s forehead. Hello? Is this the guy who left home vowing to bed the first land dweller he came across, no fanfare, and return home? You’ve changed your tune, buddy.
I have not. I’m still singin’ the same tune. Just changed the notes. Believe me. The games are the best. Use what you have, delve into her mind and uncover her fantasies, and you’ll be singin’ too.
I can’t believe I’m hearing this from you. Max swam away. Next thing you’ll be saying you love her…
I do.
Max spun around, sending the cool water rippling from him in all directions. You do? Shit! You know the rules. You can’t bring her down here. She can’t know.
There are exceptions.
I am king.
Correction—you will be king. Your old man is still firmly seated on the throne.
As future king, I’m free to choose my bride.
Why the hell would you want one of those? They only drag you down. Plus, none of our kind has married a land dweller for eons. Mating is one thing. Marrying is another.
Maybe it’s time to change that. I’ve never believed there should be a difference.
I disagree, but outside of that argument, how’re you going to convince her to live down here? To the humans, this world is hostile. They lack the adaptations we have. Can’t hold their breath, can’t handle the water pressure—
Josh shrugged his shoulders. He’d already thought about those things. That’s not as big an issue as you think. A little bit of genetic engineering, a marrow injection, and she’ll produce the protein necessary to store oxygen in her blood as we do—
That isn’t exactly a safe procedure—or a pleasant one. How will you convince her she must go through with it? Hell! How will you convince her of what you are?
She may have her suspicions already.
You let her see you during the Transformation? Max’s eyes widened.
Not completely.
Max merely shook his head and swam away. One word rang through Josh’s head as he watched his disapproving friend’s back fade from sight, Fool.
I’ll show you who the fool is, my friend.
* * * * *
“How was swim class?” Diana, driving her fire engine red Mazda, poked Jane in the ribs.
Jane leaned to the right, out of the line of fire. “Fine.”
“Are you dating that guy officially yet?” Carmen asked from the back seat. “Or are you just fucking him?”
“Carmen!” Diana scolded, shooting her a warning glare in the review mirror. “Of course she’s just fucking him, aren’t you, Jane.”
Jane watched her two friends swap looks—Diana’s scolding, Carmen’s clueless—and laughed. “She can ask. I know you’re both dying to hear all the ugly det
“And the not so ugly ones, too,” Carmen added.
Diana smiled. “Okay. Answer the question, Jane.”
“I don’t think anything is official yet, but he’s throwing out some hints. I’m pretty sure he expects this to be an exclusive thing.”
“Did he spend any money yet?” Carmen asked.
“Just bought flowers.”
“Oh.” Carmen responded flatly.
She turned around to face Carmen. “It was a shit load of flowers.”
“I’m sure he’ll do better than that,” Diana added obviously trying to sound encouraging.
Now she was feeling backed into a corner. “We had dinner.” At his restaurant where he didn’t have to pay the check. “And he’s…done more than that. He had his servants drive my car home…” She let her voice trail off, annoyed by the judgmental looks on her friends’ faces. “It’s not about money, you two.”
“Since when?” Diana asked, giving her a taste of the scowl that had formerly been reserved for Carmen. “We’ve always said we’d only date guys who were one: loaded. And two: willing to spend money on us.”
“He’s loaded,” Jane acknowledged, hoping to dodge her friend’s tongue-lashing before it really got going.
“Then he’s just a tightwad?” Carmen asked.
“The man says he wants an exclusive deal,” Diana interrupted.
Oh boy, she was in for the inquest. Why had she even told them as much as she had? That was just plain stupid. “No.”
“But that’s what you just said,” Carmen piped in.
Shit! First she got the sex of her lifetime, only to be hurried out before her core body temperature returned to normal, endured over twelve hours of silence when her phone should have been ringing off the hook, and finally forced to endure another Saturday night with the girls.
Granted, this time they’d opted for going out instead of vegging in front of the TV, but she was about as thrilled to be clubbing tonight as she would be facing a blood transfusion.
There just had to be a better way to spend a Saturday night! Add to the seemingly cold indifference Josh was showing her after tossing her out earlier, the endless stream of criticism volleyed her way since she’d taken a seat in Diana’s overgrown roller skate, and she was fit to be tied.
“If you two don’t lay off, I’m going home.”
“What’s up with you?” Diana scrutinized her as she waited for a traffic light to change. “Granted, you’re always a little bit of a wet cloak, but tonight you’re downright depressing.”
“Well, don’t let me ruin your night out. I told you. I’m tired.”
“Had a night of wild sex, did you?” Carmen teased.
“Yes,” Jane said, feeling herself getting seriously steamed. She’d make them shut up for good. “Involving whips, chains and spreaders.”
“Oh…” Carmen sighed.
Diana laughed. “You? No way.”
“How would I know what they’re called if I haven’t used them?”
Diana shrugged. “The ‘net. There are dozens of places with that stuff on there.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Morbid curiosity? Although I have to admit, I admire you for even going that far. There is something to it. You should try it sometime.”
“I just told you. I have!”
Diana rolled her eyes. “I love you like a sis, but you’re pathetic.”
“I’m pathetic?” She felt herself seething, and before she could stop herself, she blurted, “And what did you do yesterday with asshole?”
“Nothing. We had something to talk about.”
“Yeah, yeah. Like what lingerie to wear before you fucked, the black teddy or the red baby doll?” Score two points for me! She chuckled at her own joke.
Carmen laughed.
Diana didn’t laugh. “Ha ha. Very funny. Sorry to disappoint you both, but we didn’t sleep together.”
“Then what was that all about?” Jane asked, now truly curious. “One minute you were in a bathing suit, ready for swim class. The next minute you were dressed and running out the door.”
“He needed some advice.”
No way! “From you? Come on. Since when did he start listening to anything you have to say?”
Diana pouted. “I do know a thing or two about a few things, thank you.”
“I know,” Jane conceded, sensing her friend’s feelings were getting hurt, and not liking the fact that she was the one doing the hurting, even if Diana was being nasty. “But he was always complaining about you being such a bossy bitch. And now he asks for your advice?”
“He never said that.” She parked the car in the club parking lot, and Jane looked around.
They were here, again? Did Diana know she’d come to this club last night? She studied Diana’s face.
“What?” Diana snapped, looking as friendly as a crocodile.
Guess she didn’t know, or didn’t feel like talking if she did. “Nothing.”
“This place is new. I thought we’d check it out.” Diana flipped down the vanity mirror and double-checked her hair. “It looks promising. Check out the guys at the end of the line.”
“Maybe the guys do. But the line doesn’t,” Carmen pointed toward the stream of people wrapping around the building.
“No problem.” Diana said, smoothing on another coat of lipstick the same shade as her car. “I’ll get us in.”
Jane smiled at the memory of walking hand-in-hand with Josh, getting the red carpet treatment, dancing with him, her body pressed to his.
“Earth to Jane…” Carmen, standing outside Jane’s open door, snapped her fingers in front of Jane’s nose. “Are you coming in or staying here?”
“You mean I have a choice?”
“No.” Diana shoved her out the door. “We’re in this together. Let’s go.”
Jane fought back a sigh and shuffled along between her friends. She couldn’t count the number of other places she’d rather be—including a dentist’s chair, or even Josh’s aquarium room.
In fact, that room with all those bizarre fish was holding more appeal with every minute that passed without her hearing from him. At least she’d be there with him, and she’d know if he was okay.
Diana walked past the line of people and waltzed right up to the doorman.
This was going to be good. Jane knew every one of Diana’s tricks, and she had the sneaking suspicion none of them would work.
“Hi,” Diana purred as she approached the man who vaguely reminded Jane of Goliath. He was plain huge.
“Hi. Would you please take a place in line, Miss?”
Diana giggled and placed a dainty hand on her mostly bare chest. She looked over her shoulders, as if she had no idea who he was speaking to her. “Surely you’re not speaking to me.”
Goliath nodded and smiled.
Diana rested her hands on her hips and leaned forward just enough to make her skimpy top bunch around the neckline, flashing him a nice view of her rack.
Diana was one class act.
Goliath wasn’t buying. He didn’t even take a peek. Not a brilliant man. What man would turn down a free shot of tits?
“Sorry, Miss, but the line’s back there. If you want to step your pretty little foot in this place, you’re going to have to do what everyone else is doing…wait.”
“Well!” Diana snagged Jane’s elbow with her own. “I can’t believe this.” She stomped back to the car.
“But aren’t we going inside?” Carmen asked, trailing behind Diana and Jane.
“Not on your life. I don’t wait. For anything. Get in.” Diana took her seat behind the wheel and started the car. “I’d rather watch Splash…again. Come on, girls. Let’s go home.”
There was a God!
Chapter 10
Yes, the quiet ones are the ones to watch out for.
“Your turn.” Diana pointed at Jane.
Jane, being her usual self and not particularl
y thrilled with the party game Diana had chosen, responded with, “I’ll pass.”
“No way.” Diana pulled Jane off the comfy couch and shoved her toward the chair—more inquisitions! Where were the spotlights?
“Okay.” Jane sat and sighed, knowing she’d never leave The Chair until she fessed up. “The kinkiest thing I’ve done during sex was get tied up. It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be.”
“You really did that?” Carmen asked, looking awestruck. “You?”
“Yes, me.”
“Well, you go girl!” Diana leaned forward. “Details, please.”
“No, way.” Jane crossed her arms over her chest.
“I can’t believe it, our little Jane.” Diana hugged Carmen’s shoulders. “She’s growing up.”
“Oh, for God’s sake, give it up. I didn’t don leather and whip the man.”
“Why not? That’s fun too. Did he ask you to?” Diana toyed with her hair. “You know, if you ever need that sort of thing, I have a—”
“What was it like?” Carmen interrupted.
Thank you, Carmen! Every now and then she did something brilliant. “Very exciting…and a little scary. He had these metal rods, tied my hands and feet—”
“Oh, my God!” Diana jumped up, her hands cupped over her mouth. “He’s into bondage? I mean really into bondage? Josh?”
“Yeah, I guess. If that’s what that means. I don’t know. It’s not like he has a torture chamber or anything, though.” Maybe a torture closet.
Diana dropped back onto the couch. “I’m green with envy.”
“You are?” That hadn’t been what she’d expected to hear.
“He likes to play. You’ll have a hell of a sex life from here on out if you stick with him. Damn!”
“Sorry.” She figured she should apologize, for some reason.
“For what?” Diana smiled. “This is exactly what you needed. Don’t you feel better already?”
“Better? Than what?”
Diana shook her head. “You know. More liberated. Free to enjoy sex. To explore.”
“I guess.” She thought back to how she’d felt immediately after their last night together—before he’d shoved her out of the house. “Yeah. I guess it’s okay doing naughty stuff. I had no idea being a bad girl was so much fun.”