Wet and Wilde Read online

Page 3

  About twelve inches more, if her eyes hadn’t been deceiving her—God forbid! She’d never had anything bigger than average, whatever that was. It wasn’t like she’d bothered to measure. What did it feel like to fuck twelve inches of cock? Her pussy began to weep in response to that unspoken question.

  “Hello! Earth to Jane!” Diana waved her hands in front of Jane’s nose. “You still with me?”

  “Yeah. Where’d you think I’d gone?”

  “Somewhere far away. And gauging from the very strange look on your face, filled with lots of yummy man-meat.” She snorted, obviously amused with herself.

  “Where are we going?” Jane refused to encourage Diana. If she did, the conversation would get slimy in a hurry. “I just want to get home.”

  “What’s the big hurry? Don’t tell me you’ve been holdin’ out on me! Do you have a sex slave locked in the basement?”

  “God, no!” Even without help, the conversation had taken a nosedive. “Where do you get this stuff from?”

  Looking quite coy and pleased, Diana simply shrugged her shoulders. “A girl can dream, can’t she?”

  “You? What do you have to dream about? You can have any man you want. Now, where are we going?”

  Diana didn’t speak.

  Clearly Diana didn’t care to answer the first question, nor did she seem to care where they went to eat. Without asking a third time, Jane shifted the car into drive and headed down the street, turning into the nearest restaurant’s parking lot.

  “Where are you going?”

  “You didn’t tell me you had someplace special in mind.” Jane put the car into park. What’s up with Diana today? If Jane didn’t know better, she’d swear Diana had been the one to nearly drown, lose a few thousand brain cells.

  “Yes! I mean, no.” Diana shook her head. “But, I’m in the mood for some Italian. Let’s hit Giovanni’s up the street.”

  “What are you up to?” She eyed her friend, taking care to note shifting eyes mostly hidden by black-framed shades.


  “Bullshit.” Blinking against the early evening sun hanging low over the horizon, Jane dug in her purse for her sunglasses.

  “I’m hungry. Is it a crime to crave Italian food?”

  Maybe she was being a little overly suspicious. “Okay. Italian it is,” she half-breathed, half-spoke. She drove down the street in the opposite direction, parked the car in the lot, and half-expecting a group of friends to jump out and yell surprise, Jane walked into the restaurant’s quiet, cozy interior.

  No rounds of clichéd songs.

  No surprises whatsoever.

  Whew! A relief.

  “Well, look who’s here!” Diana caught her by the elbow and dragged her past the hostess wearing a dazed expression and a black mini-dress that hugged her curves like a race car.

  What was Diana dragging her into now?

  “Hi there.” It was that voice. His voice.

  Jane dug her heels into the carpet. Her heart came to a dead stop. Her face heated. Her pussy clenched as juices drenched her panties.

  Diana jerked on her arm. “Is that any way to act?” she whispered in Jane’s ear. “The man is speaking to you.”

  “I’m trying!” She pulled her arm free from Diana’s vice grip and forced herself to look at him.

  Oh wow! She hadn’t thought her panties could get any wetter. She was wrong.

  He looked amazing. His snug black shirt caressed every angle and plane of his chest and stomach. The ones she’d been pressed up against such a short time ago… Oh shit! She might just come right there.

  She needed to sit. And she needed something to drink. Something cold. Her throat was so dry she feared she’d choke on words. “Hi.”

  She managed that much. That had to count for something.

  “Please,” he motioned to the bench seat next to him, “have a seat. I was just about ready to order. Would you ladies like something special?”

  She sat and scooted into the corner of the L-shaped booth. Josh sat next to her, sliding much too close for her comfort—okay, maybe not quite close enough. Diana pinned her in by coming around to the other side. Sandwiched between a hot guy who made her brain melt, and a friend who suddenly felt like a third wheel…or a lifeline, Jane wasn’t sure which it was.

  At this point, she wasn’t sure of anything, outside of the way her body was heating from the inside out, her pussy was dripping, her tits were aching, and her mind was racing to places and thoughts she’d never visited before.

  The man hadn’t done anything but invite her to sit! Good God, what would she do if he actually touched her!

  “Can I order you something to drink?” His voice hummed through her body, sending another wave of warmth to her pussy.

  “Ice water?”

  “That’s it? Wouldn’t you like something stronger? Perhaps something rich and creamy?”

  What was the man trying to do? Add inches to her hips? “I could take a diet cola…and the ice water.” She turned to look at him as he gave the order to the waiter, along with a request for appetizers.

  The floor fell away, and it seemed like they were the only people who existed in the world.

  Could she breathe? Would her lungs please inflate? Her heart please beat? Her pussy stop dripping? He licked his lips and she mirrored him, tasting salt again. He ran his hand through his hair and she swore she felt the silky softness on her own fingertips. He inhaled deeply and she swore she smelled the musky odor of sex.

  Was he wearing some sort of pheromone?

  Her mind wasn’t her own. Her senses weren’t hers, either. It was as though he’d taken over her body. It was a strange yet fascinating feeling.

  He smiled. “It’s a pleasant surprise, your being here.”

  “Yeah. I… Hey, wait a minute!” The bizarre sensations halted. Her mind cleared. The rest of the diners dropped right back into their places in the restaurant. One particular inhabitant of the room landed a bit louder than the others. Jane turned to Diana. “You knew, didn’t you?”

  Diana shook her head. “Knew what?”

  “You knew he was here. That’s why you made me turn around and come here. Of all places. You never eat Italian food. You say it gives you gas.”

  Diana’s face turned three shades of red. “I’ve never said any such thing. You’re being silly. How could I know he’d be here? I mean, you two were in the pool, and then we left. I didn’t have the chance to talk to him.”

  Okay. Her explanation did make sense, although this situation reeked of conspiracy. “If I find out you did this somehow, I’ll bust your ass.”

  Diana visibly swallowed. She was as guilty as Cain!

  “Please, let’s forget about that.” He lifted a beefy arm, biceps flexing, shoulder muscles bunching. It was a glorious sight. She stared. Her mouth went dry. “Let’s have a nice dinner together.”

  The waiter set several plates of appetizers and her ice water on the table, which she downed it in a chain of desperate gulps. Still, even with that icy liquid cooling her throat and belly, she felt like she was burning up.

  Next, she reached for her cola. That she couldn’t drink as quickly, but she did swallow half of it before she could stop herself. Sheesh! She’d never been so thirsty before.

  “Are you all right?” Diana asked, setting her usual Kahlua concoction down after taking a sip and licking away the creamy white foam from her bottom lip.

  “I’m fine.” Jane shifted, trying like hell to ease the pulsing between her legs.

  Something strong squeezed her shoulder and she dropped her gaze.

  His hand. Her shoulder. Here we go!

  A blade of warmth shot from her shoulder to her neck, then with her next breath it was right between her legs. The muscles inside clamped closed. She felt herself lean, thanks to just the slightest pressure from that hand on her shoulder.

  Her side pressed into his chest. Oh, that was nice! He was warm, snuggly. She could cuddle right in there and
stay forever. She felt his breath stirring her hair. His fingers kneaded her shoulder muscles before tiptoeing up her neck. She was lost in the wonderful, mind-blowing sensations of his touch, smell, and feel when Diana’s cell phone jangled out Beethoven’s Fifth.

  Diana punched the call button, said a couple of hushed words and ended the call. She dropped her phone into her purse. “Gotta go.”

  “Where? What’s that all about?”

  “I’ll tell you later.” She stepped away from the table. “Call me when you get home, okay?”

  “Sure.” Jane’s eyelids drooped. She tried to meet Diana’s gaze but couldn’t quite make it up there. “I’ll call you.”

  Only after Diana was out of sight did Jane remember she’d driven Diana to the restaurant. What was Diana up to? How did she leave?

  “Did you pay someone to call Diana away?” She looked at his face, and watched his expression for signs of guilt.

  His lips curled up slightly at the corners. Bingo! “Maybe. Would it be so bad for me to admit I wanted some time alone with you?”

  No! Would it be so bad to admit I want to fuck your brains out? She opened her mouth to speak, but didn’t get a peep out.

  “Mmmm. Love, I like the way you think.” He practically purred the words. He reached forward, ran his forefinger down the side of her neck and between her breasts until her shirt’s v-neck put a stop to it.

  Stupid shirt!

  She sucked in a deep breath as her heart started pounding in her ears. What had they been talking about?

  “Oyster?” He lifted a shell to her mouth.

  “No, thanks. I’m not much for seafood.” It didn’t even smell appetizing. Ugh! Fishy. She glanced down. Slimy! Nasty!

  “You should try it.” He transferred the offending item to his own lips. With a toss of his head, the contents of the shell slid into his mouth. Then, with a wicked gleam in his eye, he leaned closer. “Taste.”

  Jane held her breath, knowing what was coming. The first touch of his lips to hers made her twitch with surprise. His mouth was warm, his lips smooth and soft, moving slowly over hers. Her insides heated, her face heated, her pussy heated.

  Damn, what a kiss!

  His tongue teased the seam of her lips and she opened to him. He tasted salty and rich. Very yummy, indeed.

  He pulled away, and licked his lips. “You like?”

  “Mmmm…” She couldn’t think, couldn’t speak. What this man did to her!

  “Would you like another taste?”

  “Oh, yeah.” She felt so alive! As if every sense was on highest alert. Her ears caught even his faintest breath; her nose, his unique, very masculine scent, even on her own clothes and hands; her eyes, every subtle shift in those amazing features of his; and her skin, his every touch, no matter how soft or innocent.

  In the end, those energized, hypersensitive senses were leaving her a horny, quivering, muddy-headed mess.

  She watched him eat a second oyster, her gaze glued to his lips. They were slick with butter, looking so tasty, so tempting, she was sure she’d throw him down right there and kiss the living hell out of him.

  The waiter stepped up and set their plates before them.

  Had she ordered? She didn’t recall placing an order. She looked down at her plate. It contained a creamy pasta dish, with seafood. Ugh! She knew she wouldn’t have ordered that!

  “Is there something wrong?” the waiter asked.

  She looked at Josh, and the words sitting at the tip of her tongue refused to spring from her mouth. Instead, she muttered, “Nope. Everything’s fine.”

  The waiter nodded and left.

  “You don’t like?” Josh whispered, so damn close to her ear, his breath tickled it.

  “Like I said, I’m not crazy about seafood. Never have been.”

  “I’m sorry. I took the liberty of ordering, thinking it would prove what a perfect gentleman I was. I should have asked first.”

  “No.” She looked down. The pasta looked safe. She could easily push the chunks of that white fishy stuff to the side. “It’s fine. Thanks.” She scooped up a pile of noodles onto her fork.

  “Please, allow me.” His hand closed around hers, and she swore a bolt of electricity shot up her arm. It stopped her heart for a split second and left every bit of her five foot six inch frame tingly.

  What the hell was that? She dropped the fork.

  He took it up, filled it with noodles and a hunk of the stuff she didn’t like and held it before her mouth. “I think there are fewer things sexier than feeding my lover.”

  “Your lover? Aren’t you taking a lot for granted?”

  He smiled. What a gorgeous smile! Wow! She had to admit she’d never gotten this close to such a hunk before. Hell, she’d never dreamed about a guy this good looking! There wasn’t a single imperfection she could see. Except for maybe an inflated ego, if he really believed she would be his lover after sharing what? A grope in the pool and half a meal.

  “I think I’m being very realistic here. Perhaps you’re just not ready to accept what’s crystal clear to everyone else.”

  She lifted her hand to her mouth. “Am I drooling or something? I mean, what am I doing that’s so obvious?”

  “You’re dilating.”

  “What? Dilating?” She wasn’t giving birth. What the hell was he talking about?

  He chuckled, and the sound bubbled through her body. “Your pupils. They’re dilated. And your skin is flushed.”

  She lifted a hand to her heated cheek in reflex. “Well, maybe I’m a little warm. You have to admit this place is stuffy.”

  Shaking his head, he directed his gaze lower. “Your nipples are hard.”

  How could he see that? She was wearing a loose top. It didn’t normally emphasize… She glanced down, just to see.


  “Well.” She couldn’t think of a logical explanation for that one. It wasn’t cold in the restaurant.

  “Ready to give up yet? Or do you want to hear more?” When she didn’t answer, he added, “I have a very acute sense of smell.”

  “What is that supposed to mean? Do I stink?” She leaned away from him, just in case.

  “No.” He pressed his chest against her side and whispered in her ear. “You’re wet. For me.”

  Holy shit! He could smell it? Her crotch got that much wetter. Her panties were sopping wet. She bet she could ring them out.

  He felt so good pressed against her like that. Hard. Masculine. Sexy. She longed for him to touch her. To explore between her legs. To fuck her.

  “Shall we leave?”

  She looked down at her full plate. “We should eat, don’t you think?”

  “Very well. You’ll need your strength for later, I suppose.” He pulled away from her, only slightly, but enough for her to be keenly, achingly aware of the distance.

  It almost hurt.

  She tried to concentrate on eating, but it was nearly impossible. Josh seemed to be doing his best to make her feel comfortable, making small talk, asking about her job and friends. Toward the end of the meal, as they sipped their after dinner cocktails, he asked about a more sensitive subject, her love life. Specifically, if she’d ever been in a serious relationship before.

  Wasn’t the girl supposed to ask questions like that?

  “I was married.” Had she just admitted that?

  “Really?” He lifted those thick eyebrows high, but he didn’t ask for more. That was a relief.

  “Yeah.” She really didn’t owe him any more information. After all, he was virtually a stranger—granted a stranger she wished to know better. Still, why did she feel so damn compelled to tell him more?

  Must be the oysters. Maybe she was having an allergic reaction!

  She pushed her plate away, surprised by how much she’d managed to eat, considering how jittery she was. “The divorce was final a couple of weeks ago.”

  “I’m sorry.” He motioned to the waiter and asked for the check.

  “What about yo
u? Have you ever been married?”

  “Nope. I haven’t thought about it much. Till now.”

  She fought a chuckle. “You’re smooth.”

  He gifted her with one of those heart-stopping smiles. “You have no idea.”

  She concentrated on breathing. In…out… How was it he could make her vitals stop with a mere look? And how was it he could make her pussy throb with just a word?

  The man was amazing. In every way. Dripping sex appeal from every pore, yet still personable, polite, friendly. He hadn’t spoken a single demeaning word to anyone, not even about the waiter—who was less than the best she’d ever had.

  Too good to be true. The man was too good to be true. “So, tell me, what is it with you? You’re too perfect. What’s wrong with you?”

  “Me? Perfect? What a nice compliment.” He produced a wallet from somewhere and slipped a credit card into the little leather thingy to pay the check with. Reaching over to rub her shoulder with one hand, he handed the waiter the check with the other. “I think you’re perfect, too.”

  “No, seriously.” She shifted, so she could be far enough away from him to form a coherent thought. “I wasn’t fishing for a compliment. There must be something wrong with you.”

  “Hmmm…” He lifted his eyes to the ceiling. “Let me think. Well, I can’t dance worth a damn. And my friends tell me I eat too much.”

  Her gaze dropped to the flat plane that was his stomach. The image of that incredible set of abs wet and glistening as she’d seen them earlier flashed through her mind. “Doesn’t look like you’re hurting there.”

  “I’m sure it’ll catch up to me someday.” “Shall we go?” he asked as he accepted his credit card from the waiter and signed the slip. He stood and offered a hand down to her.

  She accepted his hand, and damn if that electric current didn’t zip up her arm again. Her panties were so damn wet that she could barely walk. Her knees were wobbly. She wrapped her arm around his to steady herself.

  Nice! It was nice walking at his side like this. She felt strong yet protected, all at the same time.

  He walked her outside, and only then did she realize how late had gotten. The crickets chirred, one of Jane’s all time favorite sounds. The parking lot was dark and nearly empty. They stopped at her car, and she rummaged through her purse for her keys. They’d better be there! She wouldn’t put it past Diana to steal them so she’d have to accept a ride from Josh.