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Body and Soul: Pesky Paranormals Page 3
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Page 3
He pulled his fingers out and curled them around her hand. “Touch yourself.” He pulled her hand to her mound and laid it there. “Touch yourself for me.”
Hungry for him and eager to be filled, she had no choice but to obey. She drew slow circles over her clit and listened as he unwrapped the rubber.
When she felt him pull her hips until her bottom hovered at the edge of the bench seat, and press his cock against her sensitive flesh, she drew her legs apart and her hand away.
“No. Leave it there,” he growled.
It wasn’t easy to do it but she did. With his thick rod pushing against her perineum, threatening to rip her, she had to concentrate on opening to him. She gasped as the head finally breached her tight tissues and slipped inside.
“God dammit, you’re tight.” He didn’t move. She could hear his heavy breathing, hear his self-control slipping.
Sensations blurred, smells and sounds. The scents of chlorine and damp male skin and something else, something sharp and unpleasant, invaded her nose. But she didn’t care at the moment.
The sounds of their mingled breathing and the distant sound of voices outside reached her ears but faded in and out of her awareness.
She inhaled deeply and something burned the back of her throat. She coughed, the action causing her to tighten her pussy walls around his thick cock.
He groaned and pushed deeper.
Suddenly, the sharp shrill of an alarm sounded in the room and she threw her arms around his shoulders and clung to him. Her eyelids lifted and her eyes instantly teared up, blurring her vision.
And then a shower of ice-cold water sprayed from the ceiling.
In unison, they yelled out, their bodies still joined, their heads tipped to the ceiling, “Oh no!”
Chapter Three
Despite being buried deep inside her, his erection turned flaccid, thanks to the cold shower and panicked voices shouting just outside the door. No doubt about it, some fireman would be barreling his way through any second now.
What a mood killer!
Speaking of killing, if Jeremy hadn’t already been dead, she would have killed him by now.
The sprinklers shut off and the smoke cleared but it was too late. The damage had already been done.
Rafe looked disappointed and embarrassed as he pulled out. He remained silent as he dug through the contents of his bag, pulled out a pair of slightly damp underwear and shorts and dressed.
“I’m sorry about this,” she said as she hurried to dress.
“It’s not your fault.”
She watched him teeter around the edge of the tub until he was on the wood deck rimming the back side. “It is, in a way.”
He eyed the banana tree. “No, there’s something I need to tell you. But first, do you think I’d kill this thing if I gave it a little shake?”
“I wonder if you give anything a little shake. Still, I doubt you could hurt that thing. I think it’s fake.” She drained the second glass of wine—no sense throwing it away, even if it was slightly diluted—and wrapped the glasses in her damp towel. All her things collected, she sat to put on her shoes.
He gave the tree a couple of good shakes and the shorts fell into his hands. “Hey! These are burned. How’d that happen? They were wet.”
“Um. I have something I need to tell you too.”
Not looking pleased, he balled up the ruined trunks and tossed them in the trash can next to the bench. “Whatever you have to say can’t be as strange as what I have to tell you.”
Confident it would, she challenged, “Care to put a wager on that?”
At least the smile returned. “Sure. What’ll we bet?”
“How about…” She considered the possibilities and even though this date had ended in disaster, she couldn’t help choosing something naughty for her prize. “How about the loser has to do anything—and I mean absolutely anything—the winner asks on our next date.”
“You mean you want another one…um, date, that is?” He motioned toward the door. “Are you ready to leave?”
“Sure. And yes, I want another date if you do.”
He unlocked the door and opened it for her. “You might change your mind when you hear this.”
“You might change your mind too but I’m willing to take my chances.” Sure she had him beat, she walked through the lobby, waved at the counter girl and a fireman on her way out and pushed open the main door to the parking lot. “Believe me, nothing could surprise me. So give, what’s the big secret?”
He shook his head and opened her car door for her. “Not until you’re sitting.”
She tossed her bag on the back seat and sat then patted the passenger seat next to her. “Well, at least come sit in here with me. I promise, I won’t slug you or anything, no matter what it is.”
He pushed her door closed and rounded the car, finally lowering himself into the passenger seat. “Okay.” He drew in a visible breath and exhaled but still said nothing.
“Oh, for God’s sake it can’t be that bad,” she teased with a smile. “Oh my gosh! I got it, you’re gay. Shoot! Why are all the good ones gay, like that cutie on Will and Grace? Please, just tell me you aren’t gay and I’ll be fine.”
“Believe me, that’s not the issue.”
“Good.” That minor question resolved, she prodded, “So, what is it?”
“You’re going to laugh, but…I’m being haunted,” he mumbled.
She couldn’t have heard that right. “Huh?”
“I’m haunted.”
“You? By whom?”
“Aren’t you going to laugh and tell me I’m insane?”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because, outside of a few women who fancy themselves psychic mediums, every person I’ve told has either offered to escort me to the nearest hospital or laughed their ass off.”
“I won’t. I believe you, although I wouldn’t mind losing a little on the posterior.”
He looked pleased, relieved even. “Your posterior is perfect the way it is. So you believe me?”
“Yes. Where did your ghost come from? Is it a he ghost or a she ghost? Those things matter to some people.”
“They do? I call her Annabelle and she somehow glommed onto me—or whatever ghosts do—when I went to a psychic to try to make peace with my dead father… This conversation is ridiculous.”
“No, not ridiculous at all. I think it’s interesting. How did you discover you were haunted?”
“I was on a date. For some reason, Annabelle’s very jealous and gets a kick out of dumping water on any woman who comes within arm’s reach of me. The poor woman went completely berserk. I had no idea what had happened. Then it happened again when I went on my next date—with someone else. And again…and I knew it couldn’t be a coincidence.” His grin grew quite wide and devilish when she didn’t respond. “So, when do I get my prize?”
“Not so quick, buddy. You haven’t heard my secret yet.”
“It can’t be more bizarre than a jealous she-devil who douses my dates.”
“Oh, yes it can. You see, I’m also being haunted. By my ex-husband, Jeremy. But he doesn’t use water, he uses fire to scare away my dates.”
It took a moment for her words to sink in. She could tell by the lengthy blank stare and the eventual spark of realization that finally struck those deep mocha-colored eyes. His silence was followed by a round of deep belly laughs that shook her tiny car.
She enjoyed the sound of his laughter, the way it bounced around inside her tummy, the way it made his eyes sparkle like a child’s. “Hey, I didn’t laugh at you,” she said, feigning insult. “Does that mean I win?”
“I’d say it was a draw but that makes us both winners…if we can figure out a way to keep ourselves out of the line of fire—literally.”
“There has to be a way.” Her gaze tangled with his and she caught a glimmer of determination on his face.
“Where would we be water- and fire-safe? Outside somewhere, maybe?”
“Oh no. I’m not an exhibitionist. What if someone sees us?”
“That just adds to the excitement.”
“Isn’t dodging flames and cascading water enough excitement for you? Not to mention, of course, the obvious.” She felt her cheeks blushing.
He reached forward and pinched one. “Pink’s definitely your color.”
She gave his hand a playful swat and it fell from her face and landed in her lap.
He didn’t move it. “If we’re going to outwit these devious little spirits, we’re going to have to be a little daring.”
“I’ve never even gotten a parking ticket.”
His fingers slowly curled and uncurled, tickling her mound. “How long has it been since you’ve had sex?”
“Too long.” It was getting mighty hot in the car. She shifted, settling lower in the seat and opened her legs just a bit.
“Did you like the way I felt inside you?” His hand slid lower and rubbed harder.
She opened the window and fanned her face with her hand. “Couldn’t you tell?” She sucked in a quick breath when she thought she’d caught the scent of burning cloth. “Uh…better check your shorts.”
“They are a little snug, thanks to my—”
“No, I think they’re burning again!”
He looked at her blankly, obviously having forgotten what she’d told him about Jeremy, so she grabbed him by the shoulders, yanked him against her and planted her lips to his. She didn’t bother with the small stuff but went straight for the gusto. She pushed her tongue into his mouth and savored his flavor. Her hands reached around and traveled up his neck and she tangled her fingers in his thick waves. She felt herself heating up from the inside out.
Then the expected happened. A gush of freezing water saturated them.
His lips still pressed firmly to hers, he sucked in a gasp of surprise as he took the full brunt of the downpour. His head and massive upper body covered much of her face and chest but from belly down, she got a soaking. The water’s almost freezing temperature cooled all the parts that had been heated by that searing kiss.
“Damn it, Annabelle,” he grumbled. Looking cute, disappointed, even a little annoyed, he ran his long fingers through his sodden hair. It spiked up, going this way and that.
“You ought to thank her. If she hadn’t doused us just now, you’d be suffering from third-degree burns. I’m afraid I owe you another pair of shorts.”
“Oh.” He chuckled. “Next time, I’ll just have to make sure I’m not wearing any. He can’t burn what I’m not wearing.”
That statement sent a pleasant mental picture into her head.
“I’d say that look suggests you wouldn’t mind.”
“Heck, no. What woman would?”
“Then are you with me?”
“In regards to?”
“Tomorrow? I think I have the perfect place but I need to check the weather forecast.”
“Why? If it’s raining, what’s the difference?”
He smiled. “True. In fact, I’m hoping it’s supposed to rain. At least that way, the location I have in mind’ll be a little less crowded.”
“Little less crowded? What kind of place are you suggesting that’s crowded on a Sunday afternoon?”
“You, my dear,” he poked her nose and opened the car door, “will just have to wait to find out. Pleasant dreams.” He leaned closer, suggesting he wanted to give her another kiss, but she tipped her head back, not wanting to risk another fire or flood. She wasn’t sure her car would start as it was.
Instead she blew him a kiss. “We better wait until tomorrow. What time?”
“How about I pick you up at one?”
“That’s fine. What’ll I wear?”
“How about something waterproof?”
She shivered. Between the loss of his body heat and the cooling effects of her soaking wet clothes, she was freezing. Her teeth chattered as she stuttered, “Good idea.”
Her car started without a problem.
* * * * *
That night, she was forced to sleep with her head under the pillow, which she’d heard wasn’t good for one’s brain—something about lack of oxygen. Jeremy was at it again.
The man wasn’t only costing her sex but grey matter as well. This time he was making loud thumping noises over her head all night long.
Didn’t ghosts need to sleep too?
The next morning, she dragged her exhausted body out of bed, waiting as late as she dared, and showered. Assuming she’d be drenched again, she used the waterproof makeup again and didn’t spend a whole lot of time on her hair. However, she did select her clothing carefully. A loose and flowing knee-length skirt with no panties underneath—she felt scandalous!—a snug knit pullover top, some sandals and a rain poncho and she was all set.
Her pussy was already moist and ready as well. There was something very sexy and fun about the feeling of a silky skirt brushing against her bare bottom.
It was a gorgeous day, so she waited for him outside on the little bench next to the front door. Considering the weather, she knew she had to look silly wearing the bright yellow poncho. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and no rain in the forecast for the next few days.
So she looked like an idiot. Wouldn’t be the first time. Wouldn’t be the last time either.
He came outside a few minutes later. Clad in a pair of cotton sweat pants, a T-shirt that clung to his sculpted chest like a harlot, and a pair of running shoes, he looked ready to head to the gym, not on a date.
“I’m overdressed.” She stood and reached for her door.
“Oh, no. It’s perfect,” he purred, the sultry undercurrent in his voice halting her instantly. “Are you wearing panties?”
He licked his lips. “Good. Let’s go end our abstinence. Between the two of us, it’s probably been a year since we’ve had sex.” He opened his car door for her.
She sat. Her stiff plastic parka puffed out in front of her like an oversized baby bib. She patted it down against her body. “At least.”
He shut the door, rounded the front of the car and sat next to her in the driver’s seat. “Ready?”
“For anything you have to offer, stud.” She gave him a wink. “As long as it doesn’t involve breaking any laws, that is. Where are we going?” She fastened her seatbelt.
“To a place where a little excess water and fire won’t cause a problem.”
“Such a place exists?”
“You bet it does.” He started the car and backed out of the driveway then put the car into gear and drove down the street. “Did you bring those rubbers?”
“Sure did.”
“Good, though there won’t be any banana trees for me to lose my shorts in where we’re going.”
“Sounds intriguing. No banana trees, and fire- and water-proof. A cave?”
“I’m stumped. Want to give me a hint or two?”
“No. What fun would that be? Let’s talk about more important things, like our lives, our dreams, our wishes.”
“Not a single hint?”
“Nope. Now on with it. Tell me about your life.”
“Okay, if you insist. Let’s see.” She glanced out the window and watched a line of houses go by as the car carried her toward the freeway. “My life is dull—outside of the ex-thing. My dreams are bizarre—”
“Where do you work?” he interrupted. “We’ve lived next to each other for so long but you’ve never told me. And I promise we’ll get back to those bizarre dreams later. I like the sound of those.”
“I’m a secretary in a sales office. I work for a bunch of lazy guys who play golf with automotive engineers and call it work. What about you?”
“I play golf with lazy sales guys. But I don’t call it work. I work a lot of overtime and take comp days.”
“You’re an engineer?”
He nodded. “Yep. At Ford.”
“Good thing I didn’t say anything else.�
“You weren’t about to bad-mouth my employer, were you?” he asked in a teasing voice.
“Oh, no way. Love Ford. Love all our customers.”
He eyed her with skepticism.
“Really. I’m being honest. I enjoy my job, though I wouldn’t mind being a lazy sales guy—er, woman—who plays golf someday.”
“What’s stopping you?”
“Don’t have an engineering degree and I suck at golf but I love the game.”
“Even though all your competitors’ sales reps probably have engineering degrees that doesn’t mean you couldn’t do their job. And most people stink at golf unless they play regularly. I could give you some pointers if you like. My game isn’t too bad.”
“That would be fun! Er, but I don’t have any equipment, clubs or those nifty saddle shoes with the cleats on the bottom. Heck, I don’t even have any balls.”
“Not a problem. You can use my balls.” He chuckled. “That sounded…wrong. Let me try that again. We can take care of the equipment issue without too much trouble. How about playing a round next weekend? It’s impossible to get a tee-time on the public courses around here on the weekends but I’m a member of a private course not too far away. Hope you don’t mind playing later in the day, though. The die hards play early in the morning so they can be with their families in the afternoon. Later in the day you can usually get in without too much of a problem.”
“Sounds great to me.”
“Good. It’s a date then.” He looked as pleased as she felt.
Things were going great. Not only was she feeling the chemistry—which couldn’t be missed by a deaf, blind, mute person—but she also sensed a deeper connection forming, a comfort she hadn’t shared with anyone in a long time, if ever. She felt…at home.
And the best part—Jeremy hadn’t made a peep all morning.
Yes-siree, this was a good day. No Jeremy banging, stomping, thudding or lighting fires. Water wasn’t falling from the sky. And she was on her way to some unknown destination to have sex with the handsomest, sexiest man on earth.
Only one thing would make it better. If those first two changes could be forever. If only she could freely reach out and touch that tan-skinned arm mere inches from her without fearing a catastrophe. It would be so nice to twine her fingers with his or lift his arm up and wrap it around her shoulder so she could snuggle in close.