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Wet and Wilde Page 12
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Page 12
“That’s it.” He pumped in and out, slowly at first, then gaining speed. He reached down and found her clit again, and she bit back a yelp.
She was in agony, sheer, sweet agony. His cock was slamming into her pussy, his finger tracing circles over her clit, her soul soaring to the heavens.
“Now! Come now for me.”
She drew in a deep breath and willed herself to go over the edge, and just as she heard him growl with his own release, she found hers.
Together, they rode the waves of pulsing, throbbing release until they dropped from exhaustion.
Chapter 13
Great sex works better than any truth serum.
“I think I’m dead.” Spread eagle next to Josh, Jane struggled to catch her breath. Every part of her body was weak as could be, like warm gelatin. She figured she wouldn’t be able to move for at least a couple of days. But as the glow of climax cooled, and her mind began functioning again, she found herself surprised by her own behavior. Had she really let him fuck her in the ass? “I can’t believe it.”
“Can’t believe what?”
“What I’ve done with you. I’ve never done those things with another person before. I’ve never wanted to.”
“Good.” He raised himself up on an elbow and rested an index finger under her chin. “And you will never do them with anyone else.”
Those words were like food for the soul. The Halleluiah Chorus echoed through her head. “So, you’re serious about this marriage stuff?” Hal-le-lu-ia!
“Dead serious. Why?”
“I don’t know. Men say lots of things in the throes of passion. Make promises they don’t mean. Make demands they don’t really want. I guess I thought you might be goofing around. Playing.”
His smile was playful, but reassuring. “I might like to play, but not about something like marriage. I’m serious. What about you?”
Yes! But I’m scared. Tell him! This is important. “I don’t know. I mean. I…” Oh God, she hated saying these words the first time. “I think…no, I know I’m…falling in love with you.” Yikes! I said it! “But it’s so soon. We barely know each other.”
“I know I love you. I’ve told you that already.”
And you’d better not ever stop! “How can you know that for certain? What if I’m a nutcase?”
“I know you’re a nutcase, and I still love you.” He kissed her nose, and she smiled, giggles bubbling in her stomach.
She traced the line between his pecs, following it down the center of his stomach. It was such a sexy line. “Well, what if I was really crazy, like an ax murderer?”
“You’re not.”
“Or a child molester.”
“You’re not that, either.”
“Can I ask you a question, then?” She drew a circle around his belly button. That was one cute belly button!
“What is it about me?” She glanced up at his face.
He huddled his brows together. “What do you mean?”
Deciding she was too nervous to look him in the eye, she returned her gaze to his belly. “I mean you’re rich—like Donald Trump loaded—and drop-dead gorgeous. You could have anyone you wanted, movie stars, models. Why settle for me? I’m just a plain-Jane. A nobody.”
He slid his arm under her head and wrapped his other arm around her waist, pulling her tightly against him. The heat emanating from his body nearly stung it was so intense. The genuine love and warmth of his embrace made her want to stay there forever. “First, you are not a nobody.”
“Well, you know what I mean. I’m not famous.”
“I don’t care about that.”
“And I’m not beautiful—”
“Yes, you are.” He slipped a fingertip under her chin and lifted it until she met his gaze. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world to me.”
She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. In all her years, no one had ever said those words to her. Not Greg. Not anyone. “But I’m overweight—”
“Not in my eyes. Your body is beautiful, soft in all the right places. Strong. Sexy.”
“I’m nothing special.”
“Yes, you are.” He palmed her cheek, and she let her head rest in his hand. His thumb brushed her cheek. “There are so many reasons to love you, Jane. No man in his right mind could avoid falling in love with you. You’re smart. Funny. Adventurous. Giving. Loving. Trusting.” He smiled. “Do you need me to continue?”
“By all means! I’ve never had anyone describe me that way. Wow, I feel like a queen! Keep them coming! Or did you run out of compliments already?”
“I could go on forever. In my eyes you are a queen.”
Her heart melted. This man is too wonderful for words. “You’re definitely prime king material, too.” Thankful for the moment this man walked into her life, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. “King of my heart.” She smiled. “I have another question. How do you know so much about me? From the get-go you knew what car I drove, where I lived. Did you run a background check? I don’t blame you if you did.”
“No, I didn’t. You can blame a friend of yours.”
She tried to sit up, but he held her down. “Diana?”
He nodded. “Yep.”
“I knew it!” She broke loose from his embrace and sitting, slapped her thigh. “That little schemer. What else did she tell you?”
“I won’t tell.”
“Oh yeah?” She leaned over him, her hands pressed palm down on the floor on either side of his shoulders. She bent low until her face was inches from his. “You’d better.”
He smiled. “Or what?”
She pressed her nose against his. “You’ll be sorry.”
“Oh. Well, I wouldn’t want to be that. I give, but I won’t be specific. Let’s just put it this way, I know more about you than you think.”
“Well, that’s no fair!” She sat back and crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t know squat about you.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Where you came from, your roots, your dreams and ambitions, your fears.”
“Okay. Well, I told you where I grew up. I have thirteen brothers and sisters—”
The air shot from her lungs. “Thirteen? As in one more than twelve? Holy shit!”
“Large families are pretty normal in our community.”
“Your poor mother!”
“Outside of the fact that she was pregnant for almost fifteen years straight, she had it good. My father was a good provider, although we didn’t see him much until we were older.”
“That’s not my idea of good. I don’t want to be pregnant for fifteen years. And I don’t want a husband who’s gone all the time.”
He smiled. “I’m glad you feel that way—about the husband part, at least.” He rolled onto his back and folded his arms under his head. “Now, for the other things you wanted to know. Let me see. My dreams are to marry you, fuck you silly, and have a brood of kids.”
Oh, shit! “Then you weren’t joking about that either?”
“Oh.” She dropped her hand to her stomach, wondering what it might feel like to have a child in there.
“You’ll be a wonderful mother.”
“I don’t know if I’m ready. The idea of being a mother scares me silly.”
“Don’t worry. When the time comes, you’ll be ready. So, that covers my roots and my dreams. What else was there? Oh, yeah. My ambitions. I am to be king one day soon—”
“King? Of Canada? Aren’t they ruled by England’s queen?”
“No! I mean…king of my family.” He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair, sending the silky curls in disarray. “Head honcho. Ruler. Isn’t the husband supposed to be king of his household?”
“I can see you have a thing about power,” she teased.
“Not exactly.”
“King? Come on! I mean, I know what I said earlier, but I was being silly. You don’t really expect y
our little wifey to be barefoot, pregnant and waiting on you hand and foot all day, do you?”
He grinned and shook his head. “That sounds nice.”
She reached for the nearest thing she could find, the blanket he’d so lovingly wrapped her in earlier, and clubbed him with it.
“Hey! What was that for?”
“For all the crimes you’ve committed against independent women around the world.”
“Believe me, I’ve committed no crimes. My wife will be treated so well, and have so much, she’ll be thrilled to serve me.”
After a quick assessing gaze of the room they were in, Jane could almost believe that. Still the whole serve-the-man thing rankled her nerves. “What about your fears? Obviously you know mine.”
“My worst fear is of losing you.”
“Give me a—”
He swept her into his arms and held her tight. “I mean it. I don’t ever want to live a day without you.”
By God, the man meant what he was saying. There was no way to fake that genuine expression. She couldn’t speak.
“I love you. I will take care of you, protect you. You’ll have the best the world has to offer, travel, fine jewels, a beautiful home, children, whatever you desire. You will be treated like a queen.”
“It’s not all about what I get out of the deal, you know.”
“I’ll cherish you. There’s no man alive that’ll treat you as good as I will.”
This whole thing sounded like a dream…that, or a line out of a Lifetime movie that ends up with the guy being an obsessive psychopath, hell-bent on destroying the poor woman. How would she determine which it was? She knew what she wanted to believe.
“Trust yourself to know the difference.”
See? Like that stuff! What did he do? Have some kind of wire installed in her brain so he could hear her thoughts? She’d ignored that for long enough. “How the hell do you do that? You’re reading my mind.”
“No one can read your mind. I’m just guessing, like I said before.”
“No way.”
“We’re in tune, connected. Mind, body and spirit. We’re meant to be together.” He slid his hand down between her legs, and her pussy thrummed. He pulled her knees apart, and her face heated. He parted her lips and teased her clit with a fluttering tongue.
Her whole body lit aflame. Damn, he was good at that!
He slipped a finger inside, hooking it to rub against the sensitive upper wall. That just about did it for her. She was lost. She had to have him. Again.
Then, he stopped.
She was left a panting, throbbing, sopping mass of need. She gasped. “What’s wrong?”
“Then why did you stop?”
“Oh, I don’t know. I thought maybe you were tired.”
“Not too tired.”
He smiled and laid back. “Show me.”
She obliged, enjoying the change in position, first, kneeling and taking him into her mouth. He tasted of man and woman, sex and sweetness. He smelled masculine, musky but good at the same time, and his moans of pleasure did things only tongues would normally do to her pussy.
Wanting to show him pleasure like he’d never had, she opened her mouth wide and slid down, down, down his cock, taking each tasty inch into her mouth until her nose was at the base. Then she cupped his balls in her hand and teased them.
“Damn, woman! Shit!”
She slid up and down his length several more times, fingers exploring every minute detail of his balls and ass, and then, wetting her finger in her mouth, she plunged it into his ass and his rock-hard thigh muscles tensed into tight ribbons.
“Fuck me,” he gasped.
Enjoying the feeling of control, she sat up, smiled into his flushed face and straddled his cock. Then she sat, slowly, allowing the tip to merely press against her pussy. She rotated her hips, grinding her folds against him until she was so ready she couldn’t wait another minute and she sank down.
She raised herself up and slammed back down again, watching Josh’s scorching expression as he watched her body work. His gaze strayed from her face to her tits then down to their joining before winding back up to her face.
“This is what making love is all about.” He held out his palms. “Hold my hands.”
She took his hands in hers, and felt the electric charge zap through her body again, kick-starting her heart, stealing her breath, and rocketing to her pussy where it ignited an explosion so powerful she practically fell over. She dropped forward against Josh’s chest, and more electricity surged through her body until every muscle was convulsing. Josh rolled her onto her back and rammed that cock deep and hard, over and over.
“Oh God!” Those mind-melting contractions wouldn’t end. They just kept going, and going, and going.
Then Josh sucked in a deep breath, blasted out a cry and stiffened, sending his cum deep inside.
As she struggled to catch her breath, snuggled safe and warm against Josh’s chest, she uttered three words, “I love you.”
Would she really have to leave this place and return to her life? Or could she just stay there forever?
* * * * *
The next day—Monday, ugh!—was so normal, Jane almost went crazy with boredom, at least until lunch. Then, true to form, Diana got in Jane’s face and things got ugly.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Diana slammed her fist on the table. “You aren’t marrying him so soon! I love you, but are you insane?”
“I’m not kidding.”
Diana reached out and knocked on Jane’s skull. “Hello? Is anyone home?”
“My mental capacity is firmly in place.” Jane dumped a blob of ketchup on her plate and tried to act like her friend’s sarcasm wasn’t hurting.
“Damn. I was hoping this change was temporary. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you’ve lost it, sweetie.”
“Maybe you’re just jealous.” Jane’s stomach was tied in knots she hated confrontation so much, but she tried to eat. She popped a French fry into her mouth and washed it down with a swig of soda.
“Jealous? Me? Not a chance.”
“You said yourself he wouldn’t give you the time of day. Remember? You know, I understand if you’re jealous. I think I would be if things were reversed.”
“If it had bothered me, I’d never have introduced you to him. I wouldn’t have told him all about you, either. I practically gave him your social security number. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to tell you who you can and cannot date, but I’m worried about you. You’ve changed. I thought you might date for a while, take things safe and slow like the Jane I used to know and love.”
“Well, maybe that Jane is gone.”
“I don’t know if I like this Jane. She’s pretty damn crazy. Then again, crazy isn’t all bad.”
“And you’re not?” Jane smiled, trying to ease the tension. She took a sip of cola and tried to sort out the thoughts racing through her mind. “Please, try to understand. I didn’t expect you to jump with joy—not that I wouldn’t have appreciated that—but I was hoping for quiet acceptance. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. I can’t stop thinking about him. I want to be with him. All the time.”
Diana resumed eating, taking a dainty bite of her burger. That was a good sign. At least she’d chilled out enough to eat. “I can understand that. What if he’s not what you think, though?”
“I don’t believe he’s anything but what I’ve seen.”
“Not all people are honest, you know.”
“I know that. I’m not a baby.”
“Well, you’re not exactly acting like a responsible adult right now—”
Jane shoved the rest of her lunch into the bag and shook her head. “You’re being mean, and I don’t need to sit here and take that. I can get that back at the office from asshole.” She stood and reached for her glass.
Diana caught her wrist. “Sorry. Please, stay. I’m just worried about you. Can’t a frien
d worry?”
Jane sat. “Yes. But do you have to be such a ball buster all the time? Try to understand where I’m coming from.”
“I think I understand more than you do. That’s why I’m having such a problem with this. I’m not trying to be mean. Your divorce was final only weeks ago, and now you’re jumping into another marriage.”
When put that way, it did sound alarming.
Diana continued. “I think you’re grieving and lonely and jumping at the first opportunity to regain what you think you’ve lost.”
That makes sense, but it’s not true. How can I make her see that? “I might be lonely, but I think I’m way past the grief part.”
“What’s wrong with just slowing things down a little? Maybe a lengthy engagement?”
“Listen.” Jane leveled her gaze at Diana’s worried face. “I’m fine. I’m over what’s-his-name. Way over. I’ve found the most amazing man I’ve ever met. We fit together in every way. I never felt that way about Greg, even when things were good. I just know this is right. Try to be happy for me. Please.”
“I can’t. Not yet. Marrying him this early will be a mistake.”
Jane stood and shook her head. “I’m sorry then. I was hoping you’d be more supportive, maybe even agree to be my maid of honor. I guess I’ll ask Carmen instead.”
“She won’t either.”
“Let her tell me that for herself then, and quit being such a pushy, manipulative bitch.” Jane shoved the door open and charged out to the parking lot.
Diana followed her, catching her arm. Her eyes wet with tears. Her lips trembled. “Please. I’m sorry. I’m doing it because I love you.” She cried, her sniffles and quiet sobs soothing Jane’s anger. “Someday, when you’re left pregnant and penniless and big restaurateur—or whatever the hell he is—Josh has dumped you for a younger bimbo, you’ll see that. Just like you did last time.”
“I appreciate your worry, but that was different. Greg was an ass right from the start. Josh would never do what Greg did.”
“Don’t ever say never.”
“Josh didn’t go for you, did he?”
Diana’s eyes widened and she released Jane’s arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”